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Save Your Bacon Cybersecurity Tips

3 Cybersecurity Tips That’ll Save Your Bacon!

  1. Be Careful Using Public WiFi
    We’re all guilty of it: connecting to free public WiFi. Whether it’s at the coffee shop, hotel or airport, the temptation to check e-mail and surf the web is just too strong to resist. So BEFORE you connect to any free, public WiFi, make sure the connection is legitimate. It’s not uncommon for hackers to set up fake clones of public WiFi access points to try and get you to connect to THEIR WiFi over the legitimate, safe public one being made available to you. Before connecting, check with an employee of the store or location to verify the name of the WiFi they are providing. Next, NEVER access financial, medical or other sensitive data while on public WiFi. Also, don’t shop online and enter your credit card information unless you’re absolutely certain the connection point you’re on is safe and secure.
  1. Setup Withdrawal Alerts on Your Bank Accounts.
    Many banks will send you an e-mail alert whenever money is withdrawn from your account via check, debit card or transfer. Setting up those alerts will allow you to spot and report fraudulent activity BEFORE the money has already been siphoned into a cybercriminal’s hands.
  1. Use 2-Factor Authentication
    Most social media sites and online banks will have this as a security setting for your account. That simply means when you try to log in, you will be asked to enter a four- or five-digit code sent to your mobile phone or personal e-mail. This will prevent a hacker from getting in EVEN IF they crack your password.

Have questions about cybersecurity or the technology at your company? We’re here to help. Access our calendar here to book a quick, 10-minute call with us.