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LIVE WEBINAR ON 2/28: How AI Platforms are Impacting K-12 Education

The Future of AI in K-12 Schools

Artificial Intelligence in schools is quickly becoming an integral part of K-12 education. From virtual tutors to automated grading systems, AI platforms are transforming the way students learn and teachers teach in K-12 schools. As AI technology advances, more and more schools are beginning to explore the potential of using AI to improve student learning experiences, […]

IT Security Tip: If this type of alert pops up, DON’T click on it!

You’re working at your computer when all of the sudden – BAM! – you get a pop-up notification that your PC is infected with a virus and you must “click here” to run a scan or install antivirus software. This is a common scareware tactic used by hackers to get you to click and download […]

How to Secure Your Information After a Dark Web Alert

How to Secure Your Information After a Dark Web Alert

Your credentials have been compromised on the dark web… What are your next steps?! The reality is, once exposed on the dark web, your information can’t ever be completely removed or hidden. You cannot file a complaint or contact a support line to demand your data be removed. You should immediately start taking appropriate steps […]

Last-Minute E-Rate Tips: Form 470 Filing Guide for 2023

2023 E-Rate form 470 Filing tips

Are you an E-rate eligible school or library preparing to file your Form 470 for FY 2023? Don’t wait until the last minute! To help you out, here are some last-minute tips to ensure that your Form 470 is submitted correctly and on time. Learn how to navigate the E-rate filing process and maximize your […]

Does My School Need an “Incident Response” Plan?

Technology Incident Response Plan

An incident response plan is an organized approach to addressing the aftermath of a security breach or cyber-attack. Certain industries, like educational, medical, and financial institutions absolutely should have one. But even if you don’t have a lot of sensitive information, it’s best to have SOME idea of what you would do if a cyber-attack […]

Frequently Asked Questions About the Dark Web

WHAT IS THE DARK WEB? The dark web is a hidden universe contained within the “deep web”— a sub-layer of the internet that is hidden from conventional search engines. The surface web today makes up only 4% of the internet. It stores only 19TB of data. Imagine how tiny it is in comparison to the […]

Upgrade Your Network And Quickly Experience These 4 Amazing Benefits

Upgrade Your Network

If you work in education, you’ve probably adapted to a number of technology changes over the years. As you inch closer to the end of the school year, it’s time to figure out what still needs to be done. One of those potential changes might be an upgrade to your network infrastructure. When you look […]

What Makes A Strong Password? And Why Do I Need One?

Think about some of your private accounts right now. Chances are that you have an email account, social media accounts, bank account and more that are all password protected. Do you share passwords across different accounts, and are your passwords strong enough to keep cybercriminals away from your private information? If not, it might be […]

The K-12 Cyber Incident Map

Every year, Ed Tech Strategies, a Virginia-based research and counsel consultancy, published a K–12 Cyber Incident Map– an interactive visualization of cybersecurity-related incidents affecting K–12 public schools and districts in the United States. Since January 1, 2016, U.S. K-12 public schools and districts were reported to have experienced at least 1,331 cyber security-related incidents resulting in the disclosure […]